My Mission

Welcome to my blog. While I am likely to spout off just about anything that comes to mind I should tell you the real purpose of my writing here. I am refocusing on myself and my body. I intend to eat better (and less) and to exercise consistantly. So if I'm not working out or if I eat crap- yell at me, encourage me. I promise to be honest on here.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Last Day

Today is the last day of old habits. Today is the day where I prepare for tomorrow. Today is the day that I let my brain begin to understand that a change is coming. Today is the day that I simultaneously wish would rush by and also would never end.

I am anxious to get on to a better life in my body. A better life for my body. At the same time though, I will miss eating whatever I want whenever I want. I need to turn my emotions to something other than food. I need to occupy my mind with things other than food.

I am turning my emotions upward. When I "need" to eat; I will pray. When I am so stressed that some nice crunchy junk food is craved; I will pray. When life gets overwhelming and I need to escape; I will pray. This is my new tool. It's interesting because God has always been there but I have always used him as a back-up for when things go wrong. What was I thinking? Clearly I was thinking about ice cream!

So today I prepare. I am eating what I normally do with the knowledge that tomorrow will be a little different. I am doing the same things today that I have done every day for the last decade or more. Tomorrow, I will do more. Today, I am going out to buy a book that cam highly recommended to me. Dr. Beck's, "Train Your Brain to Think Like a Thin Person." It is a cognitive therapy book and I have a really good feeling about it. I am not getting into a fad diet. I am fixing the way I live.

What an exciting day!!!


  1. I have decided to follow your blog and encourage you as well as hold you accountable this is a great new beginning as well as an end to an old way.May God richly bless you as you seek new habits and behaviors. YOU CAN DO THIS FOR HIS GLORY!!

  2. yay, I am SO glad you took up blogging... I think you will really enjoy the experience :p
